best thing is to do the brass bits when you know no one is going to walk in the room when your doing a fiddly bit, and pow it sticks exactly in the wrong spot, go on baz, use the force..
Was trying to attach some bits the other night
.........................setting the scene..........................
Its about 9:30pm......................
The house is dark........................
Two spotlights shining down on the workstation, room's second best coffee table, Magnifying light attached to the second best coffee table.
TV is on, something gruesome..........Wire in the Blood .....maybe.
Eerie shadows in the room.
Bazza is sitting on the edge of the sumptuous lounge chair.......
Eyes concentrating millimetres from the the magnifyier.........
Pointy thingie poised with superglue on the end, ready to attempt miniature attachment.
....................movement attracts Bazza's attention out of the corner of his eye...................
son has appeared apparition like beside him.........frightening the out of dad.........
Small brass bit flies into the air, disappears into the undergrowth of the carpet pile
.........much cursing and gnashing of teeth
.................after 15 minutes, acting like a dog sniffing for a bone....... eureka..............bits are replaced in the plastic bags.......progress on the model...........almost zero.
Bazza skulks off to bed, tail between his legs.
So goes by, another industrious week of Bissie building
Must be.............' Losin My Religion' again REM